Cigar Box Guitar Stand
Need a Cigar Box Guitar Stand?
Check out this cool little stand. I found this little Ukulele stand from Amazon and it works great for a cigar box guitar. It folds up nice and it will hold a cigar box guitar perfect. I use it at gigs and I keep one next to me in the living room so I have a cigar box guitar quick on the draw! Check it out here at Amazon...
Thanks and ROCK ON! -Mike
Happy 3 String Thursday from the Barn!
Happy 3 String Thursday
Check out the Old Padron! Happy 3 String Thursday!
New Cigar Box Guitars!
Been rocking and rolling in the shop! Just posted a new batch of cigar box guitars at On to the next batch....
Build your own!
How To Build A Guitar: The String, Stick, Box Method
This is a really good place to start if you are interested in building a cigar box guitar. Bill Jehle will show you everything you need to know to get going. Looking for answers to all your building questions? Bill Jehle has it all laid out in this DVD!
Have fun Building!