Cigar Box Guitar How to play Hoochie Coochie Man with Mike Snowden on 3 String Thursday!
Good time with a 3 string Cigar Box Guitar! So much fun just playing the blues!
Thanks for watching!
Mike Snowden
Love This Little Amp!
This little Fender Champion 20 guitar amp is the perfect combo for a cigar box guitar. Just the right size amp and its got a bunch of presets to get some awesome tones from your cigar box guitar. Too much fun!
-Mike Snowden
Here's an Amazon link if you want to check it out!
What's a good Harmonica for a Cigar Box Guitar?
Check out this harmonica at Amazon...
Check out this cool harp rack...
Cigar Box Guitar Tone
Cigar Box Guitar Tone! I like to crank up the bass and turn down the treble... check it out! I have added links to the amps in the YouTube below. ROCK ON!
Link to out the Line 6 Micro Spider.
Link to the Fender Champion 20.
Link to the Fender Blues Jr.
Check Out This Cool Guitar Amp!
Been loving my new Fender Champion 20 guitar amp. If you would like to get one check out this link...